

Missions & Outreach


  • providing fellowship and a monthly Church Service at Castra, Southern Cross Residential Aged Care Facility
  • Creative Friendships:  ladies group teaching craft, enjoying creativity and fellowship – see What’s On
  • we partner with other churches to provide Religious Instruction in local primary schools


  • we partner with Cherbourg and Woorabinda AIM Churches to support them to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • we partner with YWAM and other ministries to reach our community
  • we partner with other churches to hold regular Shed Men events
  • historically one of the things our church did that was a great joy was ‘Eat Dirt’ Drought, a MDBC Relief Project.  ‘Eat Dirt’ Drought served the regions of Longreach, Roma, Tara, Lightning Ridge, Windorah and the South Burnett, delivering hay, farm supplies, and care packages in one of the times of bad drought.  All this was made possible due the the generous donations and support received from people all over the country.  ‘Eat Dirt’ Drought would like to thank and express our gratitude to God who enabled us and all those who gave of their resources, times and energy to make it happen.


  • MDBC supports multiple missionaries in the field, both on a permanent and periodic basis